Category: Circular Design
The friar and the nap
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 22, 2020 | Circular Design | 0
“I try to give full meaning to life, mine and the others’,” said the woman with...
Read MorePremenstrual syndrome: novel frameworks of analysis from comparative studies of cycles
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 21, 2020 | Circular Design, menstrual health | 0
What is premenstrual syndrome Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually defined as a psychological...
Read MoreHalloween and premenstrual syndrome (?!)
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 20, 2020 | Circular Design, menstrual health | 0
A FESTIVAL WITH ANCIENT ROOTS Halloween is a very ancient folk festival, which has its roots in...
Read MoreSolstice – the language of cyclical regeneration
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 20, 2020 | Circular Design | 0
This article was originally published in Italian in 2016 Solstice – an astronomical event with...
Read MoreWhat seasons can teach us about the menstrual cycle. Applications of circular, regenerative design
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 20, 2020 | Circular Design, menstrual health | 0
In short: The simile between seasons and the menstrual cycle is popular metaphor. If we look at...
Read MoreRegenerative processes and circular design
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Jul 20, 2020 | Circular Design, Work | 0
The environmental crisis in the Anthropocene era The environmental emergency is an opportunity to...
Read MoreScience is not enough, only sleep and imagination can solve climate change
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Oct 9, 2018 | Circular Design | 0
Climate change is a catastrophe. We should sleep on it.
Read MoreThe cyclical blueprint – Seasons and Breath – what do they have in common?
by Medulla - Cycles and Insights | Aug 31, 2018 | Circular Design | 0
The thriving blueprint of life is cyclical – the breath and seasons are but some of its shapes.
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- Awareness (1)
- Biomarkers (1)
- Blueprint (1)
- Body Literacy (2)
- Circular Design (8)
- Contraception (7)
- Ecosystems (1)
- Food (1)
- menstrual health (21)
- Sensiplan (5)
- Society (1)
- Society and culture (4)
- Work (3)
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